N212: Health Differences Across the Life Span 2

Health Differences Across the Lifespan 2 Study Guide 119. What type of reassurance might a patient experiencing a severe panic attack need? a. They are not having a heart attack b. Their panic can be controlled withmedications c. The nurse will stay with them d. Deep breathing exercises will reduce most symptoms 120. A person who feels their safety is compromised, has heart palpitations, and feelings of suffocation may have: a. Agoraphobia b. Stage fright c. Dissociative anxiety disorder d. Somatoformdisorder 121. A person may develop alters for which of the following reasons? a. As an unconscious means of getting his/her ownway b. As a means of dealing with anxiety c. As an unconscious means of attracting attention d. As a means of dissociating from the self by selective forgetting The answer key is listed on page 140. ©2017 Achieve Test Prep Page 138 of 140

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