N213: Health Differences Across the Life Span 3
N213: Health Differences Across the Lifespan 3 Study Guide • Teach patient to use caution, safety measures, and care with ambulation. Teach use of assistive devices if necessary. • Explain to patient that main side effect of calcium supplementation is constipation. Encourage a high fiber diet and increased fluids. • Refer to physical therapy for muscle strengthening. Expected outcomes for osteoporosis: • Patient remains free from injury • Demonstrates compliance with medications, treatment plan, and diet • Verbalizes an understanding of the disease process, safety, and need for exercise • Maintains normal bowel movements Scoliosis This is an actual deformity of the spine in children. Certain health conditions, like malformation during the fetal period or compensation, cause the spine to curve into a C or S shape. It shows up in early adolescence when a child goes through growth spurts. A normal child will have a 10 degree or less curvature in the spine; anything more is not normal. If the curvature is severe enough, there could be respiratory problems or cardiac issues involved. Adolescents are usually screened for scoliosis in junior high school between 10-14 years of age. Often times school nurses do the screenings. It is important to understand the different types of scoliosis in order to properly assess the condition. The types of scoliosis are as follows: • Idiopathic scoliosis: There is no known cause for this type. The spine bends into a lateral curve on its own. It can happen from birth to three years of age (infantile), from ages 3-10 years (juvenile), and after the age of 10 (adolescent). • Neuromuscular scoliosis : This type occurs in children with other underlying health problems, such as muscular dystrophy, spinal bifida, and cerebral palsy. Other factors are arthritis, injury, fracture, infection, or bone diseases. • Congenital scoliosis: This happens in the womb when the vertebrae are being formed. This condition is treatable with bracing, exercise, physical therapy, and sometimes surgery. Screening and treatment are necessary to prevent complications. Signs and symptoms of scoliosis: • Hips uneven/one more prominent • Uneven waistline • Uneven breast size • Clothing does not fit properly • Back pain • Poor, uneven posture • Abnormal gait • Respiratory dysfunction ©2017 Achieve Test Prep Page 124 of 204
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