NCLEX-RN Review Study Guide
5.9 Neurological Disorders 1. The ____________________________ coma scale is used to determine the level of consciousness/responsiveness in a neuro patient. 2. A Glasgow score of eight or less represents ____________________________. 3. A positive Babinski reflex in an adult is ____________________________. 4. A spinal cord injury above C4 will result in ____________________________. 5. Autonomic dysreflexia is caused by _____________________________ or ____________________________in a quadriplegic patient. 6. If the spinal cord is completely severed, then the damage done is ____________________________. 7. The syndrome that is characterized by loss of pain, temperature and light touch on the opposite side of the injury, and loss of motor function, vibration, position, and deep touch on the same side of the injury is known as the ____________________________ syndrome. 8. The inability to recognize familiar people or objects is called ____________________________. 9. The earliest sign of increased intracranial pressure is ____________________________. 10. Lou Gehrig’s Disease is characterized by neuromuscular degeneration while the brain and its cognition remain intact. This is known as ____________________________ lateral sclerosis. 11. ____________________________is a disease of demyelination of neuron sheaths. It is characterized by fatigue, muscle weakness, muscle spasm, and periods of exacerbation and remission. 12. ____________________________ disease is a disease characterized by tremors. It is degenerative and progressive and is caused by decreased dopamine. Mental deterioration occurs as well. 13. Facial paralysis that is unilateral and can include a loss of taste, is usually self-limiting, and resolves in several months is called ____________________________. 14. ____________________________ syndrome is an infectious neuronitis of the cranial and peripheral nerves. Usually this is precipitated by a respiratory infection and involves paresthesia and lower extremity weakness with possible respiratory failure. It can take years for recovery. 15. Which osmotic diuretic medication is often given to reduce intracranial pressure? ____________________________ 5.10 Musculoskeletal System 1. Realignment or correction of a bone fracture or dislocation is called ____________________________. 2. A broken bone is also called a ____________________________ bone. 3. An open fracture is called a ____________________________ fracture. 4. Buck’s traction is a type of ____________________________ traction that includes a weight pulling traction on the injured extremity. 5. Traction that involves pins, wires, or tongs directly applied to the bone is called ____________________________ traction.
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