Nursing 104
N104: Essentials of Nursing Care – Health Safety Study Guide o School aged children must also have growth and development assessments. Dental care is typically started during this stage. Peers begin to become important and the nurse must assess for poor healthhabits. o During adolescence, the childwill begin tomature sexually so it is critical to watch for these signs. Rapid growth can occur during this period so it is critical to assess for normal growth. Adolescents are at high risk for eating disorders. Adolescents may begin to experiment with cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol. The nurse should provide education related to the health risks associated with those behaviors. Suicide is a risk during this highly emotional period of time and the nurse should focus on the psychosocial assessment with this group. Adolescents should be taught breast and testicular self-examination techniques. As the adolescent begins to move away from the family, the nurse must provide education related to healthy eating habits. Boosters for childhood immunizations may be needed during this stage. o The young adult begins to look for and find a life partner. The nurse must provide education about sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, and child-bearing. Unhealthy behaviors and habits have typically become part of the young adult's lifestyle and the nurse must provide education about changing unhealthy habits. o The middle-aged adult begins to experience more stress, risks for different kinds of cancer, dental issues, and weight issues. Acute health issues may begin to become chronic during this stage. The nurse must stress the importance of annual health and dental exams. As the middle-aged adult is prescribed medications for health maintenance, the nurse must provide education about expected effects and possible side effects. o The older adult may begin to have sleep, dental, and chronic disease issues. Hearing and sight may begin to decline. Prescribed medications must be assessed and education provided. As the older adult begins to slow down, the nurse must stress the need for continued exercise. Osteoporosis is a concern and falls leading to fractures become a potential issue. In addition, the nurse should assess for any signs of elder abuse. • Past experience: An individual's previous experiences with health care can have a positive or negative effect on the person's willingness to seek health care. Unpleasant or painful experiences can lead to an aversion to seeking health care until a disease or disorder becomes unbearable. The nurse should always ask about past experiences with the healthcare system. • Lifestyle and habits: An individual who has grown up in a certain lifestyle will typically adopt that lifestyle. A person from a relatively sedentary family has a higher probability of also being less active. Unhealthy habits, such as poor diet, use of tobacco or drugs, lack of healthy sleep patterns, poor hygiene, and lack of willingness to obtain health care, may put an individual at risk for illness and injury. Long-term habits may make the individual more susceptible to illness and other conditions. Sleep patterns are critical to good health. A fatigued body is at much higher risk for health problems. The nurse must evaluate the patient's lifestyle and positive and negative habits. • Education level: A higher level of education is associated with higher degrees of health maintenance. Patients with more education may have better access to information about health and are more likely to understand the benefits of healthy behaviors. They are also more likely to continue healthy behaviors. • Economic resources: Because of the high cost of healthcare and maintenance, access to economic resources can play a huge role in health maintenance. The poor are less likely to obtain preventative care and will be more likely to be much sicker when they finally come to
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