Nursing 104

N104: Essentials of Nursing Care – Health Safety Study Guide • Infant mortality: Number of deaths per 1000 births in the first year of life. o Neonatal mortality is closely related to the number of weeks the mother was pregnant at the time of delivery (gestational age) and birth weight. Lower birth weight leads to higher mortality. o African Americans are at higher risk for infant mortality. o Males are at slightly higher risk for infant mortality. o Infants of older and younger mothers tend to be at higher risk for infant mortality. o Congenital abnormalities, Sudden Infant Death syndrome (SIDS), and Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) lead to a higher risk of infant mortality. • Childhood mortality: Number of deaths for children age 1-18 years. o Children from ages 15-18 years have a higher than average risk for injury, suicide, and homicide. o Among black males 15-19 years old, homicide is the leading cause of death. o Suicide is the third leading cause of death among teens and young adults.



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