Nursing 108

N108: Transition to the Registered Professional Nurse Role Study Guide • Conduct secret ballot elections that will determine that the majority of employees of a unit desire the representation of a given union in collective bargaining procedures, and to prevent and rectify unfair labor practices committed by employers or unions. • Responsibility for determining to which of the bargaining units established for healthcare workers various employees will be assigned. An unfair labor practice is any action that interferes with the rights of employees or employers as described in the NLRA. An employer must not interfere with an employee’s right to form a union or other organized bargaining group, join the group, or participate in the group’s activities. The employer may not attempt to control a group, once organized, or to discriminate against its members regarding hiring or tenure. Most important, the employer must bargain collectively and in good faith with representatives of the employees. 2.20 Emerging Roles for Nurses As health care changes and technology evolves, new roles for nurses are appearing. In direct patient contact roles, there are several emerging nursing careers. In health promotion, nurses are becoming health coaches, using evidence-based techniques to help clients achieve lifestyle goals. The American Holistic Nurses Association’s 2 007 Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practic,e published in partnership with the American Nurses Association (ANA), defines holistic nurses as “facilitators of healing: consultants, collaborators, educators and guides.” Forensic nurses help investigate crimes like sexual and physical assault, and accidental death. They are trained in medical evidence collection and the criminal justice system. They also testify in court as an expert medical witness. Nurse navigators serve as patient advocates and their primary job is to remove any barriers that patients encounter, whether real or perceived. The opportunities in this field are growing since The American College of Surgeons issued new standards of care requiring cancer centers to offer patient navigation services by 2015, in order to maintain accreditation status. In non-direct patient care, one extremely important career for nurses is informatics. It integrates nursing science with multiple information management and analytical sciences to identify, define, manage, and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice. NI supports nurses, consumers, patients, the interprofessional healthcare team, and other stakeholders in their decision-making in all roles and settings to achieve desired outcomes. Clinical documentation specialists are a vital link between the world of inpatient coders who translate diagnoses into data, many of whom have no patient care background. Disaster and emergency preparedness specialists coordinate with other responders in the community, schedule drills, and develop protocols. During an emergency, they guide implementation of plans, assess those plans, and make changes to better prepare for the next emergency. Finally, nurse entrepreneurs use their nursing education and business background to start ventures within the healthcare industry, establishing, promoting and running their own companies. Some develop medical devices, computerized systems, or home health products.



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