Nursing 108
N108: Transition to the Registered Professional Nurse Role Study Guide 12. Which of the following organizations does not set nursing standards? a. The American Nurses Association b. Specialty organizations c. The agency d. The American Medical Association 13. How is a peer review different from a chart audit? a. Chart audit reviews records b. Nurses may do peer review c. Chart audit is retrospective d. Chart audit does not require nurses 14. The tool by which one measures the quality of practice, care, performance, and outcomes is what? a. Utilization review 15. What is the purpose of licensure? a. To protect nurses from liability b. To register titles c. To protect the public by requiring minimum competence d. To control competition in nursing practice 16. Which of the following is evidence of the patient’s wishes for care in the event the patient becomes incompetent and terminal? a. Advance directives b. Incident reports c. Patients charts d. Preamble 17. Negligence in the course of professional practice is called: a. Torts b. Battery c. Fraud d. Malpractice Yardstick b. Guidelines c. Standards d.
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