Nursing 209
N209: Reproductive Health Study Guide from leaving the ovaries) • Sponge/cervical cap: Releases spermicide; covers cervix and blocks sperm from entering the uterus • Diaphragm: Blocks opening to the uterus to prevent sperm from entering; must be used with spermicide to be effective • Fertility awareness: Keeping sperm out of the vagina near the time of ovulation through abstinence, withdrawal, barrier methods, or utilizing alternative sexual activity • IUD (intrauterine device): Affects mobility of sperm to avoid joining with the egg o Can be copper or hormonal o Hormonal may prevent the egg from leaving the ovary and thickens cervical mucous • Sterilization: Tubal ligation or vasectomy; meant to be permanent o Can be done in women by tying and cutting fallopian tubes (tubal ligation) o Can also be sealed using electrical current, closed with clips, clamps or rings, or removal of part of tube o Can also be done via insert directly into the tubes (ESSURE); tissue grows around inserts and blocks tubes • Morning after pill: Emergency contraception; prevents the egg release for longer than normal (can be used up to 5 days after unprotected sex) • Withdrawal: Coitus interruptus or pull-out method 1.10 Medications and Sexual Dysfunction Medications can cause sexual dysfunction in both men and women. Some prescription medications and even over-the-counter medications can impact sexual functioning, while other meds can affect libido. Some medications affect the ability to become aroused or achieve orgasm. Medications that Contribute to Sexual Dysfunction • Proscar: Used to treat BPH; can decrease libido by lowering testosterone; in lower doses, medication is Propecia (used for baldness) • Antihistamines: Benadryl and Chlor-Trimeton (libido) • Marijuana: Can impact both libido and ability to perform • Anti-seizure medications: Tegretol prevents impulses from traveling along the nerve cells (similar path as orgasm) • Pain control/opioids: Can lower testosterone (libido) • Oral contraceptives: Can lower levels of sex hormones (libido) • Beta blockers: Reduce testosterone levels; interfere with impulses associated with arousal; cause sedation and depression • Blood pressure medications: Used to lower pressure inside of vessels
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