Nursing 209
N209: Reproductive Health Study Guide Can also cause microscopic intestinal bleeding leading to anemia o Should not introduce yogurt or cottage cheese until 9-12 months of age
5.17 Newborn Medications • Vitamin K (aquamephyton) o Given after birth to prevent hemorrhagic disease of the newborn o Newborns are inherently vitamin K deficient at birth and have a decreased ability to effectively metabolize vitamin K o Withholding of vitamin K at birth increases the risk of late onset (between 2-6 months of age) vitamin K deficiency bleeding by 81 times per o Dosage: 0.5mg – 1mg IM single dose • Erythromycin ointment o Antibiotic ointment used in newborns after birth to prevent infection o Danger from infection from chlamydia and gonorrhea, which can cause blindness by damaging the cornea o Women are tested prenatally at 35-36 weeks gestation and treated if necessary, but can become infected prior to delivery, so medication is given prophylactically to all newborns o Herpes simplex virus and staph aureus can also cause damage to newborn vision • Hepatitis B vaccine o Series of three doses to protect against Hepatitis B virus, per CDC (birth, 1-2 months of age, and 6 months) o For infants born to Hepatitis B positive mothers, HBIG (Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin) is given
5.18 Newborn Screening Apgar Score • Developed in 1952 by Dr. Virginia Apgar • Standardized assessment for infants after delivery • Scored at 1 and 5 minutes after birth to evaluate response to resuscitation • Five components: o Color: 0: Blue or pale 1: Acrocyanotic (hands and feet blue, normal finding)
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