Nursing 211

N211: Health Differences Across the Lifespan I complication of radiation therapy; signs include voiding or having a bowel movement through vagina. Recommend a high carbohydrate and high protein diet. Radiation precautions include assigning client to a private room, discourage visitors of small children. Client should remain in bed with little movement as possible. Be aware that all client secretions have the potential of being radioactive. Wear latex gloves when handling potentially contaminated secretions. Wear a dosimeter badge when providing care to clients with radiation implants. Badge is checked at regular intervals by health officials. Limit time at bedside to no more than 30 minutes. Staff is rotated to limit exposure. When in the client’s room stand at the greatest possible distance away from the client to minimize exposure. 3.19 Ovarian Cancer Ovarian Cancer is the unregulated growth of abnormal cells in the ovaries. This is the most lethal of the gynecological cancers; the etiology is not understood. Ovarian cancer is often asymptomatic leading to late diagnosis. It may involve one or both ovaries; staged according to tissue involvement. Malignant germ cell tumors are most common in women between the ages of 20-40 years of age and epithelial cancers occur most often in the perimenopausal age groups. Four stages of ovarian cancer: 1. I-limited to ovaries 2. II-pelvic extension 3. III-metastasis outside pelvis and positive lymph nodes 4. IV-distant metastasis Nursing Assessment Includes pelvic discomfort, low back pain, weight change, abdominal pain, increased abdominal girth, nausea and vomiting, constipation and urinary frequency. Palpable, hard, fixed, firmmass in the area of the ovaries during a pelvic exam. There is no definitive diagnostic tool available and diagnosis is made during an exploratory laparotomy. CA125 antigen level (tumor marker) sometimes aids in detecting ovarian cancer. Medical Intervention Includes surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Chemotherapy may be used to achieve remission but is not a cure. Nursing Interventions Include providing care after surgery. Teach client and family about the disease and follow up treatments. Offer supportive care to client and family throughout diagnosis and treatment.


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