Nursing 211

N211: Health Differences Across the Lifespan I bottle 1 is the drainage bottle. A vertical piece of tape should be applied to the outer surface of the drainage bottle. The time and fluid level should be marked hourly on the tape. Bottle 11 is the water- seal bottle. Bottle 111 is the suction-control bottle. The length of tube below the water surface determines the amount of suction. Nursing interventions in the care of chest tubes include keeping all tubing coiled loosely below chest level, with connections tight and taped. Keep water seal and suction control chamber at the appropriate water levels. Monitor fluid drainage and mark the time of measurement and the fluid level. Observe for air bubbling in the water-seal chamber and fluctuations (tidaling). Monitor the client’s clinical status. Check the position of the chest drainage system. Encourage the client to breathe deeply periodically. Do not strip or milk the chest tubes. Do not empty the collection container. Maintain a dry occlusive dressing. Chest tubes are not clamped routinely. If the drainage system breaks, place the distal end of the chest tubing connection, in a sterile water container at a 2cm level as an emergency water seal. Fluctuations or tidaling in the fluid will occur if there is no external suction. These fluctuating movements are a good indicator that the system is intact; they should move upward with each inspiration and downward with each expiration. If fluctuations stop, check for kinked tubing, accumulation of fluid in the tubing, occlusions, or change in the client’s position, because expanding the lung may be occluding the tube opening. When external suction is applied, the fluctuations stop. Aging Process Alternative Therapy Degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs leading to an increase in spinal curvature. Chest wall compliance decreases. Inspiratory & Expiratory pressures decrease Children Airway is shorter, narrower & less firm. Barrel Chest until age 2 years of age is normal; after 2 years of age indicates cystic fibrosis Biofeedback Utilizes mental control over autonomic body processes Calcification of costal cartilage causes less movement & flexibility Reduced ventilatory capacity Alveolar dilation [large air spaces] AP diameter of chest increases Normal Respirations Newborns = 30-80 Infants = 20-40 Toddlers = 20-30 Children = 16-22 Adult = 12-20 [@ age 12y] Meditation The individual focuses on one image, act, or thought


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