Nursing 213
N213: Health Differences Across the Lifespan 3 Study Guide Anticonvulsants: Reduces the risk of seizures; monitor for side effects of excessive drowsiness, which mimics increased ICP o Osmitrol (mannitol): Reduces increased ICP • Prepare patient for chemotherapy or radiation • Provide a quiet environment with lowstimuli • Maintain patient safety and use seizure precautions if necessary • Re-orient patient as needed if confused • Check gag reflex prior to feeding; obtain speech therapy and dietary consults • Encourage rest and discourage straining, bending at waist, lifting, and vomiting • Provide range of motion exercises to extremities • Teach family about signs of increased ICP, medications, prognosis, home care, and possible patient behaviors to watch for Expected outcomes for brain tumor: • Demonstrates pain relief or increased comfort • Patient remains free of complications including infection, increased ICP, and seizure activity • Maintains patent airway with no signs of respiratory depression • Patient remains free from injury • Verbalizes understanding of diagnosis, treatment plan, safety, and signs of increased ICP Spinal Cord Injury The spinal cord can become injured due to a number of reasons and can affect the area of the body corresponding to the injured area on the spinal cord. For example, if a patient injures the cervical portion (C4 and up) the patient will lose respiratory control. The importance of understanding which part of the body that is affected will help immensely when responding to emergencies. Injuries to the spinal cord are known as SCI. When the back is injured, it can damage the vertebrae, nerve roots, spinal cord, or all of them. The nerves are the most critical in SCI because they relay messages from the brain to the rest of the body. The lower and sensory motor neurons branch out from the spinal cord to the body and send messages back and forth from the brain to the body and vice versa. These nerves control everything from breathing, to walking, to elimination and everything in between. Spinal cord injuries can be mild, due to concussion with no paralysis and recovery, to complete spinal cord paralysis. The closer to the brain the injury is, the more serious the complications. After an injury occurs to the spine, the patient is at high risk for spinal shock. This is a common condition that happens soon after injury and can last up to three months. The patient should be watched for hypotension and paralysis below the level of the injury. Another condition that can arise o
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