Nursing 213
N213: Health Differences Across the Lifespan 3 Study Guide
Chapter Four: Disorders Resulting from Tissue Trauma and Inflammatory Disorders Disorders Resulting from Tissue Trauma There are certain conditions nurses encounter that arise from accidental injuries. Patients are at risk for infection, tissue death (necrosis), and significant disability. With these conditions, nurses can focus assessments to the injury, but should also do a head to toe assessment to make sure the patient is not suffering from shock, infection, or hemorrhage. Injuries that cause tissue trauma include: • Soft tissue trauma • Pressure ulcers • Falls • Burns • Frostbite • Bites: animal/insect • Poisoning These conditions may require immediate first-aid prior to doing a full assessment. Always make sure to check the patient’s ABCs first and then vital signs. Next, administer any necessary first-aid, such as warm blankets, washing the site of injury if it is an open wound, and applying bandages or gauze if necessary. Alert the physician that there is a soft tissue trauma and obtain any needed orders for immediate care. Once the patient is stabilized from any emergency, the nurse can work on the full assessment and complete the care plan. Disorders Resulting from Inflammation These disorders result from inflammation within a certain area of the body. These conditions can also cause infection, tissue necrosis, and disability. These conditions may require surgery to correct any malformations or removal of the affected organ. The patient may present with severe pain, vital sign changes, and fever due to infection. With these disorders, a full head to toe assessment is necessary and the patient may require immediate pain relief. Also, these conditions may require immediate surgical care so it is important to keep the patient NPO, or nothing by mouth, until they are seen by the physician and a diagnosis and decision for treatment is made. Disorders resulting from inflammation in the body include: • Peptic ulcer disease • Crohn’s disease • Diverticular disorders • Appendicitis • Ulcerative colitis • Gallbladder disease • Cholecystitis/cholelithiasis • Gastritis • Hiatal hernia • Inguinal hernia • Epididymitis • Prostatitis • Tonsillitis
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