Nursing 213
N213: Health Differences Across the Lifespan 3 Study Guide 36. You are the nurse receiving a postoperative patient from the PACU unit to the nursing floor. You understand a main priority is to prevent thrombophlebitis and you encourage your patient to: a. Turn in bed and perform leg exercises b. Ambulate in the hallway and use an incentive spirometer c. Deep breath and cough d. Eat a healthy, regular diet and turn in bed 37. Which is an example of a closed soft-tissuewound? a. Avulsion b. Laceration c. Contusion d. Abrasion 38. Which age group has the highest incidence of falls? a. 75 years and older b. Ages 1-6 c. Age 12–18 d. Age 25–40 39. You are the nurse taking care of a post-operative patient that has just had a cholecystectomy and choledochostomy (an incision into the common bile duct and insertion of a T-tube). Your patient returns from the operating room with a Penrose drain, an IV line, and a T-tube. What is the primary purpose of the T-tube? a. To prevent bile from entering the peritoneal cavity b. To promote wound drainage c. To minimize the passage of bile into the duodenum d. A way of irrigating the biliary tract 40. You’re the nurse caring for a 4-year-old pediatric patient that has just been transferred to the floor from the PACU. The patient has just had a tonsillectomy. What is the best position to place the patient in to prevent aspiration? a.
Side-lying or supine b. Side-lying or prone c. Prone or Trendelenburg d. Supine or Trendelenburg
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