Nursing Entrance Exam
Nursing Preparation Study Guide There are two main purposes of the prewriting stage: 1. Narrow down the topic – Most assigned topics are too large for one essay. Consider a topic likeWorldWar II. There are many smaller subjects and implications covered by this larger topic. A single essay could not effectively cover all these smaller subjects. Use questions like who, what, when, where, why, and how to help you see the smaller subjects within one topic. 2. Find your thesis statement – A thesis statement gives your reader the topic and direction the essay will take. It is essential that you find your thesis statement before you start writing your essay. The thesis statement allows you to address the topic in a clear and logical manner. The most important aspect of prewriting is writing. Prewriting is NOT staring into space waiting for inspiration to hit. By starting to write at the beginning of the process, the question of what to write is answered quickly. There are many ways writers practice pre-writing, some techniques include: Freewriting Freewriting involves writing out any random thoughts you may have on a subject for a set period. During your freewriting time, you are not concerned about format, spelling, punctuation or sentence structure. The only rule is you must write throughout the entire time period. Do not allow your pen to leave the page. Youmay find setting a timer helpful. If you run out of new ideas, continue writing about your previous idea until inspiration strikes. If you stop writing, you will find that you stop thinking of new ideas. After your time is up, stop writing. Read what you have written to see what direction your ideas have taken. You may find that you’ve already found your topic and thesis statement within your free write. Brainstorming Brainstorming is meant to produce a list of possible ideas. Writers jot down a succession of words to job their memories. The list is written in no particular order. Some of the topics on your list may not make a very interesting essay. Other ideas may need to be combined with other ideas before they can be turned into an essay. You should not worry about that while creating your list. The idea behind brainstorming is to get as many ideas on paper as possible. Research Sometimes the best way to generate ideas is to do research. You do not necessarily need to do a lot of formal research or read several books. Interviewing people with firsthand knowledge can be a good start. You could also do a quick internet search to gather ideas. Note: you will not be allowed to research topics during your examination.
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