Nursing Entrance Exam
Nursing Preparation Study Guide That means that 46.4% of all other items must also be used: • 46.4% of 100 = 46.4 ml of water • 46.4% of 0.90 = 0.41 grams of salt. Therefore the answer is A) 0.41 grams and 46.4 ml. 3.3.3 Percent I cr ase and Decrease We can find the percentage by which something has increased or decreased. The percentage change can be found out by the following formula: ℎ = ∗ 100% For instance, Mrs. and Mr. Wilson purchased a property for $150,000 in the year 2010. It is now valued at $355,000. Calculate the percent increase. In this case, the original cost would be $150,000 and the increase in the value would be the difference between both the amounts, that is $205,000 (355,000- 150,000). The percentage increase wouldbe: = 205000 ∗ 100% = 136.67% 150000 Whenever the price falls, it shows percentage decrease, as in cases of depreciation of assets. 3.4 Measurement For the measurement section of the TEAS exam you should study the following: • Estimation of metric quantities • Conversion from one measurement scale to another • Appropriate units of measure and measurement tools • Determination of a measurement based on given measurements 3.4.1 Metric Conversions The metric system is a system of units for measurement developed in late 18th century France by the chemist Lavoisier. Multiples and submultiples of metric units are related by powers of ten; the names for these are formed with prefixes. This relationship is compatible with the decimal system of numbers and it contributes greatly to the convenience of metric units. The most commonly used prefixes for values above the base unit are hecto- (hundred), kilo- (thousand) and mega- (million); and the most commonly used for parts of the base value (i.e. below the base value) are deci- (tenth), centi- (hundredth) and milli- (thousandth).
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