
Sociology Study Guide

6. Karl Marx referred to religion as: a. A means to reaffirm the social bonds between people. b. An ideology that supports the ideas of the ruling class c. A process by which people become religious d. A means to allow groups to express their spiritual convictions. 7. What is a secondary network of people that is usually related by common ancestry, adoption, marriage, or affiliation? a. Relatives 8. The religious organization that has broken from an established church is known as: a. A sect b. A cult 9. Forcing applicants to have certain educational credentials even if those credentials do not positively affect the ability to perform the intended job is known as: a. Expectancy effect b. Self-fulfilling prophecy c. Credentialism d. Hidden curriculum 10. Which theory asserts that the education system instills values that every citizen should know and understand? a. Evolutionary b. Conflict c. Functionalism d. Symbolic interaction Kinship b. Family c. Cohabitors d. A new church c. A subreligion d.


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