
Sociology Study Guide

7.4 Chapter Review Activity 1: Multiple Choice 1. This theory explains how individuality is seemingly erased by the influential spread of group action and emotion. a. Mass hysteria b. Conventional theory c. Contagion theory d. Emergent-norms theory 2. What characteristic describes a member of an expressive crowd? a. Does not follow well-established norms b. Is seeking an emotional outlet c. Is looking for personal gratification d. Desires to do harm to society 3. The process of altering patterns of social behavior, social relationships, and social structures over time is called what? a. Social change 4. The delay that exists between a technological development and the cultivation of an adequate cultural understanding and interaction with it is called what? a. Social change b. Social diffusion c. Cultural lag d. Cultural borrowing 5. Groups of people that desire to promote or resist change in society through organized means are called what? a. Social movements b. Collective change b. Social movement c. Social micromanagement d.

Mass behavior c. Cultural change d.

Collective behavior


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