
Sociology Study Guide

6. Which theory asserts that societies become more like each other as they evolve? a. Traditional theory 7. The process of a society evolving into an industrial society is known as: a. Cultural lag b. Terrorism c. Revolution d. Modernization 8. _____________ is the idea that available technology determines a society’s culture, social structure, and history. a. Revolution b. Social movement c. Technological determinism d. Cultural lag 9. The combination of existing and new knowledge to create something new is which one of the sources of social change listed below: a. Discovery b. Invention c. Cultural diffusion d. None of the above 10. Moving from rural areas into urban areas is called: a. Conventional theory b. Convergence theory c. Emergent-norms theory d.

Urbanization b. Modernization c. Revolution d. Terrorism


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