
Sociology Study Guide

Chapter 4 Preview When reading about social stratification in Chapter 4, the following terms are important to know and understand: Term Definition Absolution Deprivation An inability to provide basic sustenance. Affirmative Action A set of policies that grant preferences to minorities in an effort to make up for past discrimination. Ageism The belief that one age strata are inferior to another and that this difference justifies unequal treatment. Caste System A stratification method in which placement is determined by birth (ascribed status). Class A portion of people who share common relationships and means of production or sources or wealth. Class Consciousness Awareness of common class interests. Class Divisions Real and/or perceived differences between classes. Closed System A social stratification method where ascribed statuses are the primary labeling mechanism and where there is very little change of changing status. Culture of Poverty Set of values and norms common to the poor subculture. Discrimination Unequal treatment, usually negative or limiting, of individuals based on their race, ethnicity, or other group membership. Endogamy Marrying within the same social caste. False Consciousness Perception of class reality is not consistent with situational reality. Gender Culturally learned differences between males and females and socially learned traits of each. Gender Identity One’s self-concept of being male or female. Gender Roles Socially acceptable behaviors of each sex. Ideology A set of beliefs that helps to explain the arrangement of society. Institutional Discrimination Unequal treatment based on long-standing social custom or routine. Institutional Racism Policies that appear to be racially neutral but actually limit opportunities for minority groups. Internal Colonialism An economic exploitation in which the dominant group places minorities as subordinates for cheap labor. Legal Discrimination Unequal treatment upheld by law.


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