Sociology Study Guide
Design: Continually developed throughout the study. Design: Carefully developed before any data collection is done. Data gathering instrument: The researcher Data gathering instrument: Tools, equipment, questionnaire, etc. Data: Words, pictures, objects Data: Numbers, statistics Subjective Objective Time consuming Efficient Generalization is harder Generalizations may be easier Researcher can become immersed or intermingled with subject matter. Researcher usually becomes separated from subject matter. Table 3: Differences of Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies While the differences are often highlighted and debated, it is important to realize that the two methods can be integrated. Such integrated studies often lead to far more advanced understanding than either single approach. In general, there are five methods sociologists used in their research: social experiments, surveys, observational studies, case studies, and research evaluation. Social Experiments: In a social experiment , two variables are observed and the relationship between them is determined in carefully controlled environments. When in a laboratory, the researcher obviously has more control than when he or she is experimenting in the field. When in the field, though, more natural results are possible. The independent variable is the variable that is changed or used at different levels in an effort to elicit a change in the dependent variable. The environment of a social experiment is carefully designed and controlled to ensure that the independent variable is the only possible reason for any difference in outcomes. The dependent variable is the variable that is likely to change when the independent variable is altered. The experimental group is the group that is exposed to the independent variable. The control group is the group that is not. The Hawthorne effect occurs when an individual’s assumptions about an experiment affect that individual’s results – either positively or negatively. Advantages Disadvantages Valuable research techniques that allows for the study of a variety of experimental topics. In an artificial environment, subject can act differently than they would in the same situation in a natural environment. Can easily determine casual relationships. The method is only usable in clearly defined cases. Researcher contamination is common. Table 4: Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Experiments
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