
Sociology Study Guide

Define problem  Review known information  need to be answered? Hypothesize  measurable terms Design research process  analyzed? Gather data  Analyze data  Classify facts  Draw conclusion  Pick a topic

Previous findings by other researchers  What information is to be collected?  Make correlations; generalize outcomes

What questions still State purpose of research in How is the data to be

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Predict relationship between tested variables 

Record information

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Provide detailed write-up of results Figure 2: Sociological Research Model

Research Difficulties: Sociology involves humans. Because it involves humans, there is a level of complexity that is expected in any experimentation. There are a number of specific challenges that arise during the study of humans. For example: • Subjects are aware that they are being studied. • Subjects can alter their behavior to suit their mood, not the variables. • Subjects may give false information to make themselves seem better. • Cause and effect relationships are hard to accurately decipher because of the complexities of human behavior. Another area that poses difficulty is researcher attachment. If the subject matter is emotionally significant for the researcher, it may be difficult for the researcher to resist distorting the findings to their preconceived expectations. Max Weber used subjective interpretation, called Verstehen, the understanding of human activities, to attempt to decipher correlations between variables. He felt that sociologists should try and put themselves into the shoes of their subjects (figuratively, not literally). Ethical Issues: Certain ethical issues arise, like the right to privacy, and can cause issues in sociological experiments. Some individuals may feel it is an invasion of privacy for a person to observe them without telling them theyare doing so. For example, a participant observer who disguises himself as part of the group – not a researcher – may be cornered by questions of privacy.


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