
Sociology Study Guide

2.4 Chapter Review Activity 1: Matching Match the early sociologist with the appropriate development or field of study. 1.

Auguste Comte 2. Herbert Spencer 3. Karl Marx 4. Emile Durkheim 5. Max Weber 6. Robert Park 7. Lester Ward 8. George Herbert Mead 9. Talcott Parsons 10. Robert Merton 11. Peter Berger 12. C. Wright Mills

a. French sociologist who insisted societies are unified by shared beliefs and values. b. Englishman who applied Darwin’s theory of evolution to societies. c. French founder of sociology. Coined the term ‘sociology.’ d. German sociologist most influential in western sociology. e. German who believed that societies are always in a state of conflict and resolution. f. Developed “debunking or looking below the surface of social experiences. g. Viewed society as a stable but complex system of interdependent parts, each performing important functions in a system. h. Leading member of the Chicago School. i. Known for ‘middle-range theories’ as an approach that aimed at integrating theory with empirical research. j. Established theories about the power elite which led to research on the American power structure. k. Developed social psychology. l. Focused on social progress guided by sociological knowledge.


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