Sociology Study Guide
Generalizations are: a. Correlations b. Statements of probability c. Gender specific d.
Methods of research 5. Surveys a. Are gender specific b.
Are carefully constructed c. Can evaluate a population’s attitude toward something d. Are not systematic 6. When a correlation exists between two variables, a. A meaningful relationship exists between the two variables b. There is no relationship at all c. Causation is assumed not exist 7. Karl Marx is associated with conflict theory. a. True b. False 8. Which group in a sociological experiment is not exposed to the independent variable? a. Research group b. Control group c. Experimental group d. Sample group Activity 8: Short Answer Answer the prompts as fully as possible using the knowledge you have gained in this chapter. 1. What are the three main perspectives in sociological study? 2. What is the primary difference between objectivity and subjectivity? 3. Define independent and dependent variables. 4. Outline the sociological research model. Answer Keys found on page 167
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