Sociology Study Guide
Collective Organizations Collective organizations consist of part-time volunteers who contribute to many of thenecessary aspects of an organization, including decisionmaking. Becoming Institutionalized Organizations change just as the individuals within them do – as a natural progression of growth; often, internal power struggles (shifts, leadership breakdown, worker protests) and external factors (new technology, new markets, changing values, competition) are the leading causes of that growth. Organizations become institutionalized when the following is established: • Loyal members are recruited • Goals are achieved efficiently • Larger community is accepting • Stable structure, complete with goals and values, is established Becoming institutionalized provides a more rigid structure and stability; it may also cause members tofear for their role, taking their focus off of the overall goals of the organization ( goal displacement ). Knowledge and experience blossom under institutionalism. Today’s Changes Rigid bureaucratic structures are becoming less common as flexible, democratic organizations grow in number. These types of businesses encourage new designs and changes; they also have a diffusion of power, not a concentration of it. Flexible organizations offer flex time and job sharing. Flex time grants workers flexibility in their schedule as an expanded number of acceptable hours is offered. Job sharing grants part-time employees the ability to see to their family’s needs while simultaneously continuing their careers. 3.6 Deviance and Social Control Deviance is behavior that violates social norms and expectations and results in the disapproval of a large group of people. Contrary to conformity, which helps to stabilize society, deviance works against, or disrupts, social structure. Most individuals have deviated from the norm at some point in their lives. It is even possible that one behavior is accepted in one situation and not in a completely different situation. Although deviance is usually considered to be negative, it doesn’t have to be; it could simply be an act that is not commonly evidenced in a society, such as something that is more heroic than normal. A stigma, a characteristic much like a ‘mark’ that is shared by deviants and sets them apart from ‘normal’ members of society. For example, the stigma of going to jail continues to follow a person as they apply for jobs.
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