Sociology Study Guide
• During: Using the listing as a glossary of sorts throughout the study of this material, will assist the student retain important definitions. • After: The listings can be used as a self-test after completion of each chapter and at the end of the book. Chapter 2 Preview When reading about the Sociological Perspective in Chapter 2, the following terms are important to know and understand: Term Definition Academic (Indirect) Sociology Research methodology with the purpose of discovering knowledge for the sake of obtaining knowledge. Applied (Direct) Sociology Research methodology with the purpose of finding solutions to practical problems. Case Study Research method that involves a detailed record of an event, group, or social process – past or present. Causation The identification of one variable influencing another. Chicago School The first educational institution to offer a doctoral degree in Sociology. Community School Research method that involves collecting massive amounts of data concerning a small area that provides enough information to understand the community. Comparative Analysis Comparing multiple systems or structures from different points in time. Conflict Perspective View of sociology that focuses on the struggles of a society that result from tension, competition, and change. Control Group A group in sociological experimentation that is notexposed to the independent variable. Dependent Variable The variable of the sociological experimentation that is likely to change as the independent variable does. Experimental Group The group in a sociological experiment that is exposed to the independent variable. Functionalist Perspective The viewpoint of sociology that sees society as a whole consisting of various parts, each of which have unique and necessary functions. Hawthorne Effect When a subject’s assumptions about an experiment affect the experiment’s results – either positively ornegatively. Independent Variable The variable that is introduced (or used in differing amounts) in an effort to elicit a change in the dependent variable.
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