US History
U.S. History Study Guide
lending by state banks, guarding against inflation. Van Buren and his Democrat supporters welcomed the Independent Treasury Bill and signed it in 1840. By 1840, the Democrats had firmly established themselves as an anti-bank party. 10.15 The Election of 1840 and End of Jacksonian Era The Candidates The Whigs again nominatedWilliamHenry Harrison, “Old Tippecanoe,” hero of the West. Their choice for vice president was John Tyler, a former Democrat from Virginia. The Democrats put up Van Buren again, but they could not agree on a vice president so they did not run anyone. 10.16 The "Log Cabin Campaign" The campaign was a dramatic one. The Whigs stressed the depression and the luxurious lifestyle of Van Buren in contrast to the simple “log cabin” origins of their candidate. The slogan that became best known was "Tippecanoe and Tyler too" in honor of William Henry Harrison's victory against the Native Americans at the battle of Tippecanoe. Harrison won a narrow popular vote, but swept 80 percent of the electoral votes. 10.17 Harrison Administration 1841-1841 Harrison was sworn into office on March 4, 1841. He was the oldest U.S. president to be sworn in at age sixty nine and remained to be the eldest until the modern era. Harrison gave the longest inaugural address in presidential history which lasted approximately three hours. The weather was frigid but Harrison refused to wear a coat or hat. Four weeks later he died from pneumonia. Harrison was then succeeded by his vice president, John Tyler, who earned the nickname “His Accidence.” 10.18 John Tyler Administration 1841-1845 John Tyler was the Vice President under WilliamHenry Harrison in the election of 1840. He took over upon Harrison's quick death after only one month in office. He was sworn in on April 6, 1841 and did not have a Vice President because no provisions had been made in the Constitution for one. Many tried to claim that Tyler was actually only "Acting President." He fought against this perception and won legitimacy. Tyler was important for setting the precedent of becoming president after a presidential death instead of just an acting president until another election was administered. He was not able to accomplish much in his administration due to the lack of party support.
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