US History

U.S. History Study Guide

Facts to Remember • The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were created in 1639. Many believe that this written Constitution would become the basis for the later U.S. Constitution. • The importance of Thomas Hooker and John Davenport Rhode Island Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson were two very controversial leaders from the Massachusetts colony who would found the colony of Rhode Island. Their rhetoric was contentious and leads them to banishment from the colony. Roger Williams argued for freedom of religion and separation of church and state. He was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and founded Providence. Anne Hutchinson was banished from Massachusetts and she settled Portsmouth. She was murdered by Native Americans after exploring further west. In 1644 Roger Williams secured a charter from England combing all the settlements and creating Rhode Island. Through Williams' influence, Rhode Island would be the first colony that would have complete religious tolerance. Facts to Remember • This colony was the first to guarantee all its citizens' freedom of worship • The colony was founded on separation of church and state • The importance of Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson New Hampshire Those who founded New Hampshire had no real reason to leave Massachusetts; it was just becoming too populated. The overflow led to the creation of New Hampshire and eventually Maine in 1820 but Massachusetts controlled both until New Hampshire was given a royal charter in 1679. Although separate, New Hampshire remained economically dependent on Massachusetts. Facts to Remember • New Hampshire was part of Massachusetts at one time, then England granted Massachusetts a royal charter in 1679 Maryland Maryland was one of the first proprietary colonies, instead of a joint stock company owning it; a wealthy individual would own it and be directly responsible to answer to the English crown. Much like feudalism in the Middle Ages of Europe, people would settle the land under the leadership of a lord. Although this system was built to be more dependent on England, the opposite happened and these colonies would start their own colonial self-government. Originally this had been established as a colony for the safe haven of English Catholics, but more Protestants came to settle the colony. In 1649, the Toleration Act was passed allowing all Christians to worship as they pleased. Calvert also allowed for a colonial representative assembly and in many ways Maryland would mirror its neighbor, Virginia.



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