World Religions
Introduction to World Religions Study Guide believes there is something other than Brahman, this false knowledge is called Maya called Aidya . Both of these block people from attaining enlightenment. Written around 300 BCE to 300 CE were the Laws of Manu , or the Code of Manu Hinduism and are additional Hindu texts that deal with the ethical and social standards one must follow for proper living. The greatest sin listed is that of killing a cow. The proper person practices pleasantness, patience, control of the mind, intelligence, knowledge, truthfulness, non-irritability, control of the senses, and purity. Four Varna The Laws of Manu outline the caste system known as the Four Varna . India adopted this caste system. • The Brahmin , or priests, are the highest level of the caste system o The Kshatriya , or warriors/nobles, are the next highest level of the caste system The Vaisya , or merchants/artisans, are the next level of the caste system • The Sudra , or slaves/peasants, are the lowest level of the caste system The first three castes are those men who have been reborn or twice-born (reincarnated). The lowest level of the caste system consists of those who are considered once-born. The untouchables were those who were not in the caste system and could not associate with anyone in the caste system, as these individuals were ritually impure. Within the caste system, there is a further breakdown. Women do not have independence in any stage; the caste system is exclusively for men. The women are expected to dedicate themselves to the men in their lives, such as fathers, husbands, and their children. There are also four stages through which a person can progress: 1. Student Stage : An apprenticeship where the student lives with the master and learns the texts. 2. Householder Stage : When the man marries and becomes a father, gets a career, and joins the community. However, his duties are over when the first grandchild is born. The grandfather can be removed from duties and enters the Forest Retirement Stage. 3. Forest Retirement Stage : The grandfather can now take the time to contemplate the meaning of life since he has been removed from daily duties. 4. Forest Dweller or Ascetic State : “ Another life ”. The forest Dweller works to attain salvation by following the philosophy of sannyasin . The soul detaches from mental and economic concerns, neither hating nor loving anything. Individuals move from one caste to another with each life, but only if they live a good life in the present state. While still influential in society, the caste system has been outlawed in Indian society. ©2018 Achieve Page 23 of 96 . Ignorance is . These are classical
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