World Religions
Introduction to World Religions Study Guide Monks are closer to being enlightened than a layperson. The layperson can only hope to be reborn as a monk, which would put them one step closer to being a Buddha. Theravada Buddhists believe those who attained enlightenment are saints. They do not believe in Bardo. Mahayana Tradit ons Mahayana Buddhists are Eastern Buddhists. Beginning in the 5 th century CE, this sect flourished in India. This form is more liberal and uses a wider range of texts. The Mahayana Buddhists’ path is a path all can follow, not just monks. These Buddhists follow the path to become Bodhisattvaas, just as Buddha did. Mahayana teaches helping others to achieve enlightenment. They believe in Bardo and they use more rituals than the Theravada. They feel that Buddha was not a god, but the essence of all things, and that anyone who so desired and was willing to dedicate themselves to the pursuit could become a Buddha. Native Mahayana Buddhism is practiced today in China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, parts of Russia, and most of Vietnam. The Pure Land School of Mahayana, which is a strand of Eastern Buddhism, is the most widely practiced today. Vajrayana Traditions Northern Buddhism, Vajrayana, involves magical and mystical elements. Followers use mantras and circle mediations. The Vajrayana attempt to recapture the expertise of the Buddha. Vajrayana is practiced in China, Mongolia, and Tibet. In China, it is its own sect; in Tibet, Vajrayana is a main component of Tibetan Buddhism. 4.11 Buddhism Today After the Middle Ages, Buddhism was almost a dead practice in India. However, it was still being practiced in surrounding countries. Now, it is expanding in India and in many other regions around the globe. According to scholars, there are between 230 million to 1.691 billion followers. This type of Buddhism is classified as “Chinese Folk” or a “traditional” religion. The formality of the religion is differs depending on the location. The traditional variation is where the person takes refuge in The Three Jewels. While there is a worldwide network of Buddhists, the numbers are difficult to estimate. Many do not define themselves as Buddhists. Throughout East and Southeast Asia, Buddhism is practiced alongside other religions, including Taoism, Confucianism, Shinto, shamanism, and animism. Buddhists do not have congregationalist memberships and do not participate in public ceremonies. Political climates and forces may make the adherence and practice of Buddhism more difficult, especially in China, Vietnam, and North Korea. China and India are funding Buddhist shrines in some Asian countries. ©2018 Achieve Page 37 of 96
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