World Religions
Introduction to World Religions Study Guide
Chapter 9 Review Questions 1. In general, how did many Christians feel about the Age of Enlightenment? a. They disliked it because it disproved God b. They disliked it because scientific inquiry was considered a sin c. They liked it because the discovered a lot of findings were consistent with Christian beliefs d. The liked it because it ultimately proved there was a Heaven and Hell 2. Which term is defined as an attempt to explain mysteries, supernatural events, and cultural traditions? a. Myth b. Rationalism c. Empiricism d. Gospel 3. Who was a central figure in the development of classical liberalism? a. Isaac Newton b. John Locke c. Martin Luther d. Carl Jung 4. This person is credited for saying, “Religion is the opiate of the masses.” a. John Locke b. Isaac Newton c. Karl Marx d. Carl Jung
5. The Great Awakening was_____________. a. The first great religious revival in America b. A result of the Enlightenment on American education c. The opening of new commercial opportunities in the West d. An attempt to inform colonists of a British religious plot 6. Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, argued in her book, Science and Health , that sickness is an illusion and could only be corrected by: a. Another Christian Scientist b. Priest c. Sacrificing oneself to God d. Prayer 7. Which of the following statements about Jehovah Witnesses is true? a. The world will never perish; God will always keep it alive b. We are still waiting for the second coming of Christ c. Anybody who believes in God and lives without sin will go to Heaven d. There is no such thing as Hell; non-believers cease to exist 8. The Mormon faith uses many religious texts, excluding _____________. a. The Watchtower b. The Bible c. Pear of Great Price d. Doctrine and Covenants
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