World Religions
Introduction to World Religions Study Guide 6.2 Creation Story Judaism teaches that God created all Heaven and earth. This includes all things like Adam, who was created out of dust. Then God created a companion for Adam named Eve. She came from Adam’s rib. They lived in the Garden of Eden until Eve was tempted; she and Adam ate from the fruit of the forbidden tree. After they were expelled from the Garden of Eden and many generations had passed, God became unhappy with His people. He told Noah to build an ark and place designed animals on the ark. He then created a massive flood and killed all left on the land. Since Noah and his family were saved, all subsequent generations came from him and his family. Abraham, a descendent of Noah, became the father of the Jews. He had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. Isaac was almost sacrificed to God by his father. God spared him and then forbid the sacrifice of humans. All the descendants of Isaac are considered to be patriarchs in Judaism. Moses was chosen by God to be a prophet. He was selected to receive the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai and to have God’s true name of YHWH (Yod Heh Vav Heh)revealed to him. Moses had led the Israelites across the Red Sea, per God’s instructions. Moses delivered the Ten Commandments to the Jews; they are as follows: 1. Worship no gods other than YHWH 2. Make no images of God 3. Do not take the Lord’s name in vain 4. Keep the Sabbath holy 5. Honor thy father and thy mother 6. Do not kill 7. Do not commit adultery 8. Do not steal 9. Do not bear false witness 10. Do not covet The Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle The two engraved tablets that contained the Ten Commandments were of such importance they were placed in a special wooden box that was called the Art of the Covenant. This was a portable tabernacle and it was displayed for worship by the Jewish people. The Art was the placed in the first temple, which was destroyed in 586 BCE; the Art has been lost to history ever since.
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