World Religions
Introduction to World Religions Study Guide Salvation Christ’s followers were no longer “Jews”, but Gentiles. Paul of Tarsus believed that the sacrifice could bring about new kinship ties, purity, and eternal life. Gentiles are those who are Christ-like, descendants of Abraham, and “heirs according to the promise”. The God who raised Jesus from the grave gives life to the mortal bodies of the Gentile Christians who are now children of God. Modern-day Christians are less concerned with how Jews and Christians hold differing beliefs regarding Jesus and how both can still be in God’s family. They are more concerned with the idea of salvation and doctrine. Christianity teaches that in order to be saved from eternal damnation and granted entrance into Heaven after death, one must place their faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. He died for our sins and rose again; therefore, we are saved. However, the road to this place is a little different depending on the accompanying doctrine. Roman Catholics teach that salvation does not occur without faithfulness. Converts must live in accordance with the principles of love and must be baptized. Martin Luther taught that baptism was necessary for salvation; however, modern Lutherans and other Protestants tend to teach that salvation is a gift that comes to an individual by God’s grace. Christians also differ in that some believe that an individual’s salvation is pre-ordained by God. This theology teaches that humans are completely helpless in redemption of themselves. In contrast, Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and Arminian Protestants believe that the exercise of free will is necessary to have faith in Jesus. Trinity The Trinity is the teaching that one God is comprised of three distinct, eternally co-existing people: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Together, these three are sometimes called the “Godhead”. In the Athanasian Creed, it is taught that there are not three Gods, but one God. While they are distinct from one another, the Father has no source. The Son is begotten of the Father, and the Spirit proceeds from the Father; they cannot be divided from one in being. The Trinity represents the immanence and transcendence of God. God is infinite and God’s presence may be perceived by the actions of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Trinitarians “Trinitarism” is the term used to denote those who believe in the Trinity. Almost all Christian churches hold the doctrine of the Trinity. Although the words “Trinity” and “Triune” do not appear in the Bible, churches still hold these beliefs. Beginning in the 3 rd century, theologians developed the term and the concept to help commoners understand the teachings of the New Testament. Since then, Christian theologians have been careful to emphasize that the Trinity does not imply three gods, nor that each member is their own god, but 1/3 of an infinite God. That is why the Trinity is defined as “God in three Persons”. ©2017 Achieve Test Prep Page 64 of 96
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