Anatomy & Physiology I and II

Anatomy & Physiology Study Guide

19.13 Chapter Nineteen Practice Exam 1. The great cardiac vein drains blood from the heart muscle to the __________________. a. Left ventricle b. Right ventricle c. Right atrium d. Left atrium 2. The autonomic centers for cardiac function are found in __________________. a. The myocardial heart tissue b. The medulla oblongata’s cardiac centers c. The cerebral cortex d. All of these structures 3. The serous membrane that covers the inner surface of the heart is the __________________. a. Parietal pericardium b. Endocardium c. Myocardium d. Visceral pericardium 4. The simple squamous epithelium covering the valves of the heart constitutes the … a. Epicardium b. Endocardium c. Myocardium d. Cardiac skeleton 5. The heart lies in the __________________. a. Pleural cavity b. Peritoneal cavity c. Abdominopelvic cavity d. Mediastinum 6. The cardiac skeleton of the heart has which two of these functions? a. Physically secludes the muscle fibers of the atria from those of the ventricles. b. Maintains the normal shape of the heart. c. Helps distribute the forces of cardiac contraction. d. Allows more rapid contraction of the ventricles.

7. Cardiac output is equal to the __________________. a. Difference between the end-diastolic volume and the end-systolic volume b. Product of heart rate and stroke volume c. Difference between the resting stroke volume and the stroke volume during exercise d. Stroke volume less the end-systolic volume 8. During diastole, one of the heart’s chambers __________________. a. Relaxes and fills with blood b. Contracts and forces blood into an adjacent chamber c. Experiences a sharp increase in pressure d. Reaches a pressure of approximately 120 mmHg 9. During the cardiac cycle, the amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle when the semilunar valve opens is the __________________. a. Stroke volume (SV) b. End-diastolic volume (EDV) c. End-systolic volume (ESV) d. Cardiac output (CO) 10. The cells of the conducting system are different from the contractile cells of the heart in that __________________. a. Conducting cells are larger and contain more myofibrils b. Contractile cells exhibit prepotentials c. Contractile cells do not normally exhibit automaticity d. Both A and B are correct

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