Anatomy & Physiology I and II

Anatomy & Physiology Study Guide

20.18 Chapter Twenty Practice Exam 1. The blood vessels with the most important role in regulating blood pressure and blood flow to a tissue are the _________________. a. Arteries b. Arterioles c. Veins d. Venules e. Capillaries 2. Cardiovascular function is regulated by all of the following except _________________. a. Local factors b. Neural factors c. Endocrine factors d. Venous return e. Conscious control 3. Baroreceptors that operate in the regulation of blood pressure are found in the _________________. a. Left ventricle b. Brainstem c. Carotid sinus d. Common iliac artery e. Pulmonary trunk 4. The two-way exchange of substances between blood and body cells occurs only through _________________. a. Arterioles b. Capillaries c. Venules d. A, B, and C 5. Large molecules, such as peptides and proteins, circulate into and out of the bloodstream by way of _________________. a. Continuous capillaries b. Fenestrated capillaries c. Thoroughfare channels d. Metarterioles


The local control of blood flow due to the action of precapillary sphincters is _________________. a. Vasomotion b. Autoregulation c. Selective resistance d. Blood is transported through the venous system by means of _________________. a. Muscular contractions b. Increasing blood pressure c. The respiratory pump d. The most important factor in vascular resistance is _________________. a. The viscosity of the blood b. The diameter of the lumen of blood vessels c. Turbulence due to irregular surfaces of blood vessels d. Net hydrostatic pressure forces water _________________ a capillary; net osmotic pressure forces water _________________ a capillary. a. Into, out of b. Out of, into c. Out of, out of d. The two arteries formed by the division of the brachiocephalic trunk are the _________________. a. Aorta and internal carotid b. Axillary and brachial c. External and internal carotid d. Common carotid and subclavian

Turbulence 7. A and C 8.

The length of the blood vessels 9.

Into, into 10.

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