Clinical Assessment Preparation
CPNE Study Guide
• Provide education based on learner needs Provide two interventions from the list below based on patient’s unique needs • Use relaxation technique(s) • Use distraction technique(s) • Apply heat or cold when assigned • Adjust patient’s position • Swaddle infant • Provide pacifier • Provide comfort object • Other interventions consistent with patient’s current clinical condition Reassess patient’s comfort with method used in assessment: • Comfort Verbal Rating Scale • Comfort Daisies Scale • Observed behaviors indicative of comfort • Document: Education provided Learner understanding of education provided Comfort assessment method Comfort assessment prior to intervention Patient preferences for comfort needs Comfort interventions implemented Reassessment of comfort after interventions Appearance (e.g., atrophy, swelling, contractures, nodules, symmetry, condition of skin) Muscle strength (e.g., flaccid, weak, strong) Joint mobility (e.g., full range of motion, limited range of motion) Symptom(s) with movement (e.g., pain, stiffness) • Determine fall risk using the Morse Fall Scale • Implement: Provide education based on learner needs Ensure/maintain proper body alignment throughout PCS Implement fall prevention interventions consistent with patient’s current clinical condition: • Maintain bed/chair monitoring device • Reinforce with patient the need to use the call bell • Have patient demonstrate ability to call for nurse • Apply non-skid socks or shoes during ambulation or transferring activities • Other appropriate interventions Perform range of motion exercises as assigned to the major joints of designated extremities based on patient’s current clinical condition 3.9 Musculoskeletal Management • Assess the assigned extremity for:
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