Developmental Psychology
• Psychosocial Domain o Another combination of different studies. Let’s break down this word to better understand what psychosocial domain is. “Psych” focuses on the study of personality, emotions and relationships. These are studied in combination with societal influences as well “Social,” hence developing the term psychosocial. Some of the questions that a research of the psychosocial domain may ask are how individuals can interact with society throughout their lifespan. 1.3 Perspectives and Issues in Developmental Psychology When studying developmental psychology, the following must be kept in mind and be considered. • Change is Multidimensional : Think about the mechanics of a vehicle. Multiple parts work together to make a vehicle work. The same thing applies to psychological development. A human’s psychological development can change simultaneously with other physical, emotional and psychological changes. When these changes occur, some changes may affect another, or decrease the change in one or increase the change in another. • Change Occurs in Many Contexts : One of the main contexts is culture. It is important for any kind of professional in the health care field, whether it is nursing or the mental health field with psychologists, to be sensitive to cultures. Professionals in many fields may encounter all sorts of people from different cultures and geographical locations. By being sensitive according to culture, this will provide patients with a positive experience. • Developmental Psychology is NOT just about Psychology : While the purpose of this class is to study psychological development, it’s important to remember that it is not 100% about psychology. Development can occur biologically, sociologically and psychologically. Those aspects can be affected by education, a person’s economic status, a person’s religion and their culture. • Change Occurs Throughout the Lifespan : Already outlined on page 3, we can see that here are several stages of life. Each one of these stages has its own set of milestones that a human will experience. Plasticity is defined as the brains ability to learn and grow as well as develop. 1.4 Development in Context With developmental change, it can occur in many contexts. Below is a list of some important contexts that researchers and others need to keep in mind when attempting to understand developmental psychology. • Historical Context : This context looks at the time periods of when a person is developing. For example, growing up in the 1940s is a lot different than growing up today. Goals between the 40’s and today are a lot different. There are a lot more opportunities for women today than there was in the 1940s. • Socioeconomic Context : Thinking about the term socioeconomic status, it’s important to understand that it does not have to with just the financial aspects, but is also covers a person’s education level, income, geographic residence, as well as their employment. One
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