Developmental Psychology

children. It is said though, that IQ tests need to be used with caution. Researchers only believe that these tests are useful when the comparison of results regarding other children of similar/same ages who took the same test. One of the most known issues with the administration of traditional aptitude tests and achievement tests is that they only measure one kind of intelligence. A man by the name of Robert Sternberg proposed 3 types of intelligence. Let’s look at those • Academic Intelligence : This is measured by IQ tests and achievement tests • Creative Intelligence : This is measured by imaginative pursuits • Practical Intelligence : This is measured by every day interactions and actions It was Howard Gardner who believed that there were more types of intelligence. He believed that there were linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, body-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and philosophical intelligences. Daniel Goleman is the gentleman who supported the idea of emotional intelligence , which includes self-control, and communication of feelings. 6.5 Children with Special Needs There are a lot of children who have special needs, have learning disabilities, have emotional handicaps, who are usually diagnosed during middle childhood. Some categories of special needs are detailed below. • Autism o A.D. Kanner created the name Autism in 1941 A.D. o Some of the main symptoms are:  Extreme isolation  Obsessive insistence on routine preservation o Low level of family history o Tend to avoid being overstimulated and do not like to have disruptions in their daily routines o Autistic children tend to repeat their behavior such as rocking back and forth or spinning which makes them feel comfortable. o One theory: Children with autism are already overstimulated and are often prescribed sedative medication • Learning Disabilities o Children usually have problems mastering some basic skills o Problems with basic skills are not due to mental retardation or due to physical handicaps such as deafness o Dyslexia, which is a reading difficulty, and Dyscalculia, which is a math difficulty are common learning disabilities o Some children with learning disabilities are segregated from regular classrooms and placed in rooms with special education teachers. (This was a previous practice) o New practices allow for students with learning disabilities to be placed in general classrooms (If possible)



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