Developmental Psychology

6.8 Possible Conflicts in Middle Childhood • Social Phobias o Some stem from the fear of leaving home, and not being around their parents o These issues are more common in female children than in male children o The deeper issue is that it is separation anxiety from the child and both parents • Divorce o There is a greater chance for destructive behavior such as hostility between parents o There are more conflicts that are between parents which will lead to children developing depression and anger o It is critical for parents to maintain care for their child between both living arrangements o Highly beneficial for children to continue having contact between both parents • Coping with Life o Cognitive abilities are related to coping abilities o Children having support is very important to help cope with life o Forced to cope with stress can create children to develop psychological problems other than the stress already developed o Possibility of additional stresses may cause significant damage • Homelessness o Statistics show that there are between 50,000 and 100,000 homeless children in the United States every night. Half of these children are of school age. o Children who are homeless tend to have less friends, more fears, and develop illnesses easier o Children who are homeless tend to be behind in academic achievement o 30 percent of these children develop clinical depression



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