Developmental Psychology

There are free radical, atoms that are unpaired with electrons. This will certainly cause harm to a person’s body. The free radicals are produced during the process of metabolism and has the change to damage a person’s DNA Vitamin C and Vitamin E help soak up the free radicals. This occurs when a body no longer has the ability to contain damaged cells that have been caused by cellular accidents. The aging theory usually helps explain cancer as well as malignant tumors. The aging process and getting older in life are just a part of the life cycle. Researchers seem to believe that there are programmed senescence’s for each cell in the body. This idea is proven due to the maximum lifespan. The maximum lifespan of humans is approximately 120 years. It’s important to remember that the lifespan is not the same as life expectancy. Life expectancy is approximately 70 to 80 years Life span and expectancy is different for males and females. This is the theory that is congruent with the ideals of programmed senescence’s. It is the end of the chromosomes where the genetic clock typically exists. Where they reside is called the telomeres . Studies show that genes help regulate aging. It is usually shown in individuals who have Trisomy 21, which is another name for Down Syndrome. Individuals with Trisomy 21 typically do not live into the late adulthood stage. There is another genetic disease, which shows the sign of aging. This is called progeria . Progeria usually affects a person’s aging process, and will accelerate aging, typically having patients die by the time they turn 15 years of age. It was Leonard Hayflick who had researched aging and the aging process, especially the effects of these. According to his research it was learned that a person’s cells will stop reproducing after a certain number of times they divide. They will stop reproducing regardless of the damage to the cell. The Hayflick Limit is referred to the cap on the divisions of cells. 10.6 Cognitive Development When individuals turn the age of 60, they will begin experiencing a cognitive decline. The most noticed cognitive decline is processing information. The five following categories are what decline. • Sensory Register : This is the category where the aspect of memory and the functions will split for a second. • Working or Short-TermMemory : This is the category that will handle current mental activity. This is also the stage where individuals will begin to show declines in their age. • Implicit Memory : This is the category where memory functions with the unconscious portion of the brain. This type of memory is considered automatic memory. • Explicit Memory : This is the category that is considered the executive function of memory and is known for learned words, facts and concepts. • Control Processes : This is the category where it is known as the executive part of the brain as well and is used for the regulation of flowing information. • Error Catastrophe o • Immuno-senescence o • Genetic Clock o



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