Chapter 5: Infation, Unemployment, and Stabilization Policies Overview
In intertwined phenomenaofinflationandunemploymentlie at the heart of economicpolicyandanalysis. These two economic indicators often appear to beatodds,andmanagingthemeffectively is a key challenge for policymakers worldwide.UnliketheNewClassicalviewthat perceives government intervention to close output gaps as not necessary, Keynesians believe that in this complex economic landscape,stabilizationpoliciesplayapivotal role in steering an economy towards sustainable growth and stability. In this exploration of inflation, unemployment, and stabilization policies, this chapter will delve macroeconomics, the
into the defnitions, causes, consequences, and policy tools related to these critical macroeconomic factors. Understanding how these elements interact is essential for crafting demand-side and/or supply-side policies that promote economic well-beingand prosperity for societies around the globe. Learning Objectives
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
● Understand the tools and effects of fscal, supply-side, and monetary policies, as well as the role of automatic stabilizers. ● Defne the government budget and national debt and understand how government borrowing leads to crowding out. ● Analyze the reserve market model, the Laffer curve, and the Phillips curve model. ● Interpret the macroeconomic policy mix and illustrate economic changes on the PPC, AD-AS, and Phillips curve models. ● Understand different economic philosophies. A. Fiscal Policy Government policies, including fscal policy, were listed as one of the indirect components affecting aggregatedemandAD(Chapter3SectionA).ThisimpliesthatfscalpolicyaffectstheAD-ASmodeland can therefore be used as a stabilization policy to affect macroeconomic equilibrium. Governments implementfscalpoliciestoachievemacroeconomicgoals suchasfullemploymentorpricestability
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