by influencing macroeconomic aggregates that include aggregate demand, real output, and the price level. Since fscalpolicyimpactsaggregatedemand ,itisconsidereda demand-sidepolicy . Itstools includegovernmentspendingandtaxes(ortransfers). Itisalsoreferredtoasa discretionarypolicy , meaning that it is one actively implemented by the government to affect AD. For example, the U.S. Federal Government needs the approval of the Congress to use fscal policy tools to achieve macroeconomic objectives. Government Spending and Taxes Recall that government spending (or government expenditure) is an injection into the economy that directly affects AD (component of AD), whereas taxes areleakagesoutoftheeconomythatindirectly affect AD by influencing consumption (C), a component of AD.
The following table lists the various areas and items of government spending and taxes in the U.S.
Table 1: The Tools of Fiscal Policy in the U.S. Areas of Government Spending
Types of Tax
Personal income tax which affects disposable income by reducing consumption. Corporate tax imposed on frms’ profts, reducing their investment spending. Sales tax imposed on goods or services and collected from their suppliers.
National defense
Healthcare coverage for those who are 65 years old and above
Social security such as retirement pensions
Property tax imposed on the value of privately-owned property.
Other transfer payments such as unemployment benefts
Social insurance tax collected from self-employed individuals and payrolls to support those who are 65 years old and above. This affects wages and the costs of production.
B. Demand-Side Efects of Fiscal Policy Outputgapsoccurwhentheeconomyisoperatingintheshort-runequilibriumeitherbeloworabovethe level of full employment (below or above LRAS).Intheshortrun,fscalpolicycanbeimplementedto affect real GDP and the price level by influencing AD. Expansionary Fiscal Policy As observedinthebusinesscycle,arecessionisaneconomicdownturnassociatedwithadecreasein the price level, real output, and an increase in unemployment. This indicates that the economy is experiencingarecessionarygap,wheretheshort-runequilibrium(intersectionofAD-SRAS)isbelowthe fullemploymentoutput(LRAS).Toaddressthis,thegovernmentmayimplementan expansionaryfscal
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