N212: Health Differences Across the Life Span 2
Health Differences Across the Lifespan 2 Study Guide 54. Mark Rogers has been admitted to the psychiatric unit following a failed suicide attempt as a result of severe depression. The staff should take which type of attitude when dealing with him? a. Quiet, calm, and respectful b. Positive, cheerful, and upbeat c. Accepting and empathetic d. Dominate, firm, and commanding 55. As you are passing medications on the evening shift your patient states, "This afternoon, the president of the United States called me to ask my advice." When you chart about this conversation you shouldwrite: a. Patient states, "This afternoon the president of the United States called me to ask my advice." b. Patient continues to fantasize and have delusions ofgrandeur c. Patient confused d. Patient reports altered thought processes 56. Behavioral symptoms are the way most psychiatric disorders are manifested. All of the following are true about psychiatric behavioral symptoms except: a. They are purposeful b. They are intentional c. They are multi-determined d. They have meaning 57. According to Erikson, the toddler years are the time when which developmental task is usually accomplished? a. Industry b. Autonomy c. Initiative d. Trust
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