N212: Health Differences Across the Life Span 2

Health Differences Across the Lifespan 2 Study Guide 58. Maggie Reynolds is a 28-year-old lawyer who is worried about being passed over for a partnership in the firm because she has had to take time off periodically to attend to family duties. She is married to a physician and they have three young children. People who know her say that she has boundless energy and is an expert at balancing both a career and motherhood. However, she has begun to have severe heartburn, no matter what she includes in her diet. In this situation, the stomach distress may be a psycho-physiological response called: a. Conversion b. Hypochondriasis c. Sublimation d. Repression 59. Henry Jefferson is receiving corticosteroid administration. Which of the following side effects is least likely to occur? a. Dehydration b. Oily skin and acne c. Muscular weakness d. Increased blood sugar levels 60. To best facilitate communication between the nurse and the patient, initially the nurse should: a. Stand at the door and talk b. Come to the bedside and lightly touch the patient's arm c. Sit on the edge of the bed d. Sit in a chair at the bedside 61. You are in the process of completing a comprehensive health history and physical examination of Chester Simms. He will be moving into an assisted living facility following the death of his wife of 52 years. Throughout the interview he periodically gets tears in his eyes and is unable to look at you or answer your questions momentarily. He is most likely experiencing which stage in the grief process? a. Bargaining b.

Denial c. Anger d.


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