Nursing 109
N109: Foundations in Nursing Practice Study Guide potential for abuse and neglect. Life cycle factors mustbe considered in interactions with individuals and families (high value placed on the decision of elders, the role of eldest male or female in families, or roles and expectations of children within the family). Many Asian Americans and Native Americans respect older adults and view them as symbolic leaders. Time Orientation Some cultures value tradition, doing things the way they have always been done. Individuals from these cultures might be reluctant to try new procedures. People from present-oriented cultures tend to focus on the here and now. They may be relatively unconcerned with the future, and may miss appointments. For example, many African Americans are present oriented with time, while many Native Americans are past oriented with time. Personal Space Culture will often determine the distance that a person maintains between himself and others. Some cultures have very specific rules about touching and, while the nurse is in a positionwhere touchmust occur, it is prudent to ask the individual before touching him. In some cultures, a male (other than a husband) is never allowed to touch a woman. In this case, arrangements should be made to have a female nurse caring for the patient. African Americans tend to sit or stand close to each other when communicating. European Americans and Asian Americans usually place distance between self and others when communicating. Food and Nutrition The nurse must understand the differences in nutrition across cultures. Many cultures have specific foods they must (or must not) eat. Likewise, there may be specific ways that food must be prepared in order to be accepted by the individual. In times of illness, cultural groups may have specific foods that are “prescribed.” Within the limits of the physician prescribed diet, the astute nurse will allow the family to bring those foods in from home. Rice and vegetables are staples of many Asian American diets. Many Hispanic Americans and Native Americans only eat two meals a day. Healthcare Beliefs Each culture has certain beliefs about heath care that affect the type of care they seek and when they seek it. European Americans have a biomedical health belief where they believe that illness has a known cause, such as body malfunction or microorganisms that can be treated or cured. Many other cultures have a magic or religious health belief, meaning they believe illness has a supernatural cause and that illness is a punishment. A humoral health belief maintains that illness occurs when the body’s equilibrium is disturbed. Also, many cultures rely on folk remedies and faith healers. is anything that has to do with a person’s relationship with a nonmaterial higher power or life source. For some this could mean coming to know, love, and serve God, while others find spirituality to be more of experiencing a universal energy. Spiritual health occurs when the universal spiritual needs for purpose and meaning, love and belonging, and forgiveness are met. Personal faith, 6.5 Spiritual Concepts and Practices Spirituality
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