Nursing 211
N211: Health Differences Across the Lifespan I
Chapter 1 Practice Questions 1. Dysrhythmia means: a. Functional heart rate b. Disturbed heart rhythm c. Absence of heart rhythm d. Heart rhythm >200 2. Quinidine & Procainamide are antidysrhythmic drugs classified as: a. Fast sodium channel blocker IA b. Fast sodium channel blocker 1B c. Calcium channel blockers d. Beta blockers Increase conduction & shorten repolarization b. Slow conduction & prolong repolarization c. Slow conduction & shorten repolarization d. Increase conduction & prolong repolarization Nonselective beta blocker b. Cardio selective beta blocker c. Fast sodium blocker d. Calcium channel blocker 5. Classic angina occurs when the client is: a. Old and out of shape b. Stressed or exerted c. Male and over 50 d. None of the above 4. Propranolol (Inderal) is a a. 3. The effects of Quinidine & Procainamide are that they: a.
6. Unstable angina (pre-infarction) has the following pattern of occurrence: a. Frequent times daily with increasing severity b. Intermittent on arising from sleep c. When stressed or exerted d. There is no pattern. 7. Cardiac dysrhythmias can result from: a. Hypoxia / hypercapnia b. Hypoxia / hypercapnia c. Hyperoxia / hypocapnia d. Hyperoxia / hypercapnia 8. Digitalis preparations are effective for treating: a. Bowel obstruction b. Thrombophlebitis c. UTIs d. CHF Calcium channel blockers c. Drugs that prolong repolarization d. All of the above 10. Patients taking antidysrhythmics should avoid: a. 9. Antidysrhythmic include: a. Beta blockers b.
Caffeine b. Alcohol c. Cigarettes d.
All of the above
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