
Sociology Study Guide

Symbolic Interaction How symbols, like signs, gestures, and language, make it possible for people to interact. Triad A three-member group. Universals Characteristics shared by many cultures. Values Shared ideas of what is good, right, and desirable. The following portions of important information are found in Chapter 3: The three types of social norms: • Folkways: Ordinary, everyday conventions of life. • Mores: Stronger, more morally significant norm. • Law: A standard that is formally enacted by political authority. The three processes that lead to cultural change: • Discovery: An increase in knowledge or insight. • Invention: The new use of existing knowledge to create something that previously did not exist. • Diffusion: The spread of cultural elements from one culture to another. The three components of personality: • Cognitive component: Thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, and other intellectual abilities. • Emotional aspect: Feelings. • Behavioral component: Skills, aptitudes, competencies. The three broadest types of organizations: • Voluntary: People are free to join and leave as they become interested in the group’s purposes. • Utilitarian: Members join such organizations for practical reasons, usually for some gain. • Coercive: Individuals are forced to participate. Each formal organization has the following: • Informal structure: Personal interactions between members, improving the efficiency of the organization. • Organizational culture: Important to success, the well-defined identity, clear values, heroes, rites and rituals bring order to the work of the organization. • Cultural network: Hidden hierarchy that obtains and spreads information.


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