
Sociology Study Guide

Minority Groups A group that consists of people who share physical attributes or cultural practices that are different from the main culture and this difference makes them susceptible to unusual or unequal treatment. Open System A social stratification method where achieved statuses are the primary labeling mechanism and where there is greater likelihood of influencing social status. Prejudice A rigid, irrational attitude toward a group of people based on racial or ethnic differences. Racism The belief that one ethnicity or race is inferior to another, justifying unequal treatment. Relative Deprivation An inability to maintain a standard of living that compares to the customary societal level. Ritual Pollution Contact between members of different social castes. Sex Biologically distinctive categories of humans. Sexism The belief that one sex is inferior to another and that difference justifies unequal treatment. Social Gerontology The study of the social aspects of aging Social Inequality Treatment that differs according to age, sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, or education; often social rewards are not equally shared. Social Mobility The upward or downward movement from one social class to another. Social Status A socially defined position, or ranking; a society’s stratification system. Social Consistency The tendency of people who rank high in one social area to also rank high in another. Status Inconsistency The occurrence of a person ranking high in one social area but low in another. Status Symbol Objects or speech patterns that are easily recognized as associated with a certain status. The following portions of information are found in Chapter 4. They are provided here as a study tool. Types of social movement: • Upward mobility: Aided by industrial development and education; seen as a product of geographic mobility and urbanization. • Downward mobility: Caused by a lack of those things that lead to upward mobility, like formal education. • Horizontal mobility: Involves a social change while retaining the same social status.


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