Sociology Study Guide
Chapter 5 Preview When reading about social institutions in Chapter 5, the following terms are important to knowand understand: Term Definition Authority Legitimate Power. Blended Family A family pattern consisting of children from both parents’ previous marriages. Capitalism An economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and distributed competitively in the hopes of making a profit. Coercion Forcing a person to obey someone who is exerting illegitimate power. Cohabitation Living together without a legal marriage. Community Ownership An entire community owns property and any member can use it. De Facto Segregation Segregation based on geographic area. De Jure Segregation Segregation upheld by law. Disease A condition that is objectively diagnosed by a medical practitioner, usually of biological origin. Division of Labor How work is divided between individuals and groups who are specialized in particular activities. Economy The system for producing, distributing, and consuming goods and services in a society. Epidemiology The study of the origin, distribution, and transmission of a disease in the population. Extended Family A family pattern consisting of more than two generations living as a unit either under one roof or in close proximity. Family Relatively permanent group of individuals who are related by ancestry, marriage, or adoption who also live together and take care of young. Health The absence of disease and the ability to respond effectively to the environment. Illness A condition where an individual perceives that he/she is suffering a bodily disorder; psychological origin. Interest Groups Organizations that seek to influence government policies and public opinion.
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