
Sociology Study Guide

NOT always bad

Displayed by both groups and individuals

NOT always voluntary

Deviant Behavior

NOT always criminal

is culturally universal

Figure 5: What is Deviance? Deviant behavior is not always bad; it could just be a sign of nonconformity (for example, bikers). Deviant behavior is not always voluntary; it could be a sign of physical limitation (for example, being handicapped). Deviant behavior is not always criminal; the above examples are perfect illustrations of this. Emile Durkheim even argued that deviance is an integral part of healthy societies. He stated that some level of deviance actually provides an outline of acceptable behaviors, strengthen group solidarity, and bring about social change. Both individuals and groups can act in defiance of the norms. For example, a group that stands in opposition to a popular statute is exhibiting deviant behavior. When most parts of the population are in a state of conformity to the established norms of the society, social order exists. This is only possible with an effective means of social control in place to ensure that generally acceptable behaviors are exhibited. Measures of social control aim to encourage conformity and discourage deviance. Socialization is the beginning of social control and ensures that individuals internalize social norms. Most people conform without even thinking about it; it is natural. There are two types of social control. They each attempt to restrain deviant behavior, but each come from different sources. • Internal controls: conscience, values, integrity, morality, and the desire to be good. • External controls: police, family, friends, and religion. Deviance, ultimately, is a failure of social control, whether that is a failure of an individual’s internal controls or society’s external controls. Sanctions provide rewards for conformity and punishmentfor nonconformity. External controls can include both formal and informal sanctions. Informalsa ctions are those imposed by primary group and involve disapproval or rejection for nonconformity; they are often vague, but they are very effective. Formal sanctions are those imposed by organizations or entities and involve specific punishments (like law enforcement sentencing you to jailtime).


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